It can also transform into your large screen desktop by launching a few applications made for Apple’s Mac family. Additionally, it is also able to adjust the temperature through the Nest device and call you a cab from Uber through the company’s public API.

It can also distinguish between single and two-finger gestures, making the touchscreen mirror as accurate as smartphone or tablet display. However, there have been numerous ventures that have been concluded as a bust and if this one ends up going down the same road, then it will be a huge disappointment to the consumer. One source has stated that the software engineer just demonstrated how the touchscreen mirror works but made no mention as how this mirror actually works. Nelwan says he’s logged the build process and will be posting updates about it to his Medium, but as of right now, his page is void of any information that would be deemed important to us. Hopefully, when Nelwan has time on this hands, he will be posting timely updates on that page. Looking at how smartphones and tablets have been able to mold products like smartwatches, it is only a matter of time before we start to see touchscreen mirrors present for consumers in the distant future. Gizmodo