Kashyap has taken offence at the leakers and approached Mumbai police for remedial action against them. Speaking to the Indian media, Kashyap said that the video is a part of his short film based on a true story. The clip contains a scene of Radhika lifting her dress from the front and exposing herself. Kashyap said that only a bold, gutsy actress could do such a scene. Earlier in the month of February, 2015, exactly on the eve of release of her film, Badlapur, Radhika had been in a similar situation when nude selfies taken by the actress were leaked by unknown hackers onto public domain. Those images also went viral on WhatsApp. Kashyap told ToI, “Radhika Apte herself was so proud of it. But when you put out a video like this without context, people start making jokes on it. You try to take a step forward as a filmmaker, they take you five steps back. And she feels victimised and I feel responsible. I called up our police commissioner Rakesh Maria as soon as I came to know of it and he immediately acted upon it. He immediately called ACP crime branch Mr Prasanna and he had put the cyber crime branch to work on it on priority. I am confident that they will eventually catch the guy who started it. They have written to Facebook and WhatsApp also. We want that something like this should not happen in the future.”
For the uninitiated, Radhika Apte is an Indian film and stage actress and Radhika has acted in Hindi, Bengali, Marathi, Telugu, Tamil and Malayalam films. She has also acted for Mohit Takalkar’s theatre troupe Aasakta. She was nominated for SIIMA Award for Best Actress in a Supporting Role for her Tamil film Dhoni. Her Bollywood films, Badlapur and Hunterr received decent box office collection and were appreciated by critics as well.