If you are a hacker or a pentester, you may be familiar with AnDoSid which is a popular DDoS tool to conduct network stress test. For the uninitiated, AnDoSid is Android hacking tool developed by Scott Herbert to conduct network stress test. In simple words, you can use this App to conduct stress test of your network by launching DDoS attacks from your Android smartphone. DOS or denial of service attack is a very dangerous attack because it takes down the server (computer). AnDOSid is a tool designed only for security professionals to let them carry out a DOS attack (HTTP post-flood attack to be precise). It is used to perform a DOS attack on websites or web servers using the Android smartphone.

How to launch DoS attacks using AnDoSid App on Android smartphone


How To Use AnDOSid App

How to launch DoS attacks using AnDoSid App on Android smartphoneRequirementsHow To Use AnDOSid App

  1. Open AnDOSid to enter the main window