“In order to push Android forward, you always need to be looking ahead. That’s why Google got into the hardware business with the Nexus lineup, and why it’s looking into offering wireless service, “Sundar Pichai said. While Pichai said that Google is working with “existing partners” to create its wireless service, he did not confirm that Sprint and T-Mobile are the partners, he is talking about. Earlier the rumor mills had indicated that Google is working on with Sprint and T-Mobile to provide wireless service and mobile phone plans to consumers. Answering to one of the questions from the delegates, Pichai said that Google has no plans to open up full scale wireless plans or carrier like that of Verizon and AT&T. “We don’t intend to be a carrier at scale,” Pichai said. Nor does Mountain View plan on shaking up wireless pricing, by the sounds of it. “They know what we are doing,” Pichai said. “In the end, partners like Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile and Sprint in the U.S. are what powers most of our Android phones. “I think we’re at the stage where we need to think of hardware, software, and connectivity together,” said Pichai. “We want to break down the barriers on how connectivity works.” rather than breaking into the top wireless provider.